The Community Foundation of Carroll County (CFCC) is a charitable public foundation, established by community stakeholders throughout Carroll County, Iowa.

Apply For A Grant

Grant applications for the County Endowment Fund grants and the Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation grants are accepted for the current grant cycle until November 30th. The Community Foundation of Carroll County (“CFCC”) will make grant recipient determinations after the first of the year. Applications are to be made online, with supporting information either uploaded or emailed. Paper applications will not be accepted. To qualify for a grant from the CFCC, your organization must meet the criteria listed below.

Qualifications for Grant Projects

Projects eligible to receive grants must directly benefit the citizens of Carroll County. Those projects that do not directly benefit the citizens of Carroll County will not be considered. Per Iowa Code, projects that include significant vertical infrastructure components designed to enhance local quality of life will receive special consideration. 

To be eligible for a grant, the organization must be a “Charitable organization" as described under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code that is exempt from taxation under Section 501(a) of the code or an organization established for a charitable purpose. As described in the Iowa Code, charitable purposes include those described under IRC 501(c)(3), or those for benevolent, educational, philanthropic, humane, scientific, patriotic, social welfare or advocacy, public health, environmental conservation, civic, or other eleemosynary (charitable or relating to charity) objectives. 

The CFCC generally makes grants to 501(c)(3) organizations and qualified governmental entities. Grants will not be awarded for annual fund raising, organizational endowment funds, deficit financing, to individuals, or for sectarian purposes. As a general rule, only one project per an organization will be funded each year. Multi-year grants will rarely receive awards.

Obligations of Grant Recipient

The grant recipient is obligated to use the grant for the purpose given in the application and is required to return a completed Certification form (received with the grant funds), to the CFCC within 30 days after receipt. Deviation from the given grant purpose must receive approval from the CFCC board prior to the organization’s use of the funds. Funds that cannot be used for the grant’s stated purpose and funds that are left over funds after the project is completed are to be returned to the CFCC with an explanation as to why the funds were not spent. 

Written Report on Completed Project

Grant recipients are required to file a written report on the project, describing how the funds were used, attach jpg photos of the project, describing the completed project (or detailing the project’s progress and its anticipated completion date), plus any form of publicity or acknowledgement about the project and the CFCC grant. This report is to be sent to the CFCC by email on or before the 15th of August in the year the grant was awarded.


Community Foundation of Carroll County Grant Application

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