The Community Foundation of Carroll County (CFCC) is a charitable public foundation, established by community stakeholders throughout Carroll County, Iowa.

Grant Recipients

The Community Foundation of Carroll County (“CFCC”) has awarded almost $1.5 million dollars in grants since 2006. These grants have benefited the citizens of Carroll County in numerous ways. Click on the links below to see the list of grant recipients by year, amounts awarded, and how those grant awards were used to benefit Carroll County.

Total Grants Awarded Since 2006:   



Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Carroll County Conservation Board toward construction of East Swan Lake Shelter $25,000
Carroll Public Library Foundation Toward renovation and additions to Carroll Public Library (3rd of 5 multi-year grants) $20,000
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Breda Day Care Center New Flooring $4,000
Carroll Athletic Association Renovate, replace ceiling tile, paint American Legion $3,500
Carroll County Council for the Prevention of Child Abuse (Family Resource Center) to add an update computers $5,000
Carroll Depot Centre Repair foundation of historic depot $5,000
Carrollton Community Heritage Club preserve historical steps old Carrollton School $2,500
City of Arcadia Complete interior of community center/shelter $8,000
City of Dedham Improve ballpark $4,000
City of Dedham City to tear down dilapidated building $5,000
City of Glidden for a Liberty Rock $3,500
City of Lanesboro Playground upgrades $7,000
Coon Rapids-Bayard School District Ag greenhouse and industrial classrooms $7,500
Fred F and Norman J Bruning American Legion Post #607 repair roof on legion hall $7,000
Halbur Development Corporation safety upgrades and improved accessibility at Halbur Park $10,000
IKM-Manning Community School Foundation Wolf care after school program $2,000
Kellan's Kingdom To build a $5,000
Manning Betterment Foundation dba Manning Child Care Center Canopy for playground and riding toys $5,500
Maple River Area Park, Inc. New mower and picnic tables etc for park $5,500
New Hope Village Foundation Upgrade for barrier free lifts $7,000
St Anthony Foundation towards new Cancer Center (1st of 3 multi-year grants) $20,000
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Carroll County Genealogical Society Preserve historical newsprint through digitalization $3,000
Carroll Public Library Foundation Multi-year grant to expand, improve, and renovate library $20,000
Kellans Kingdom Construct a "Miracle Field" for differently abled children and adults $20,047
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Arcadia Betterment Development Corp Improve and expand shelter house, add HVAC $10,000
Breda Day Care Center Security updates keypad lock and cameras $4,000
Carroll Area Child Care Center Continue to renovate and improve playground $8,000
Carroll County Conservation Board Pave Sauk Rail crossings on bike path $9,000
Carroll Pickleball Association Construction of pickleball court $2,500
Catholic Charities of the Dioceses of Sioux City Renovation and upgrade of client areas and child therapy rooms in Carroll $6,200
City of Breda Develop fitness center for city $5,000
City of Coon Rapids Bike racks for downtown $1,540
City of Coon Rapids Streetscaping of downtown $4,000
City of Dedham Refresh and renovate city ball diamond $8,000
City of Glidden Provide kiosk at Merle Hay Memorial Cemetary $5,000
City of Manning-Hillside Splash Zero entry pool and splash pad $5,000
City of Templeton Improvements to public park (BB court, playground upgrades, picnic tables, reseeding turf, etc.) $8,000
Family Resource Center For Crisis Care and Parent's Time Out programs $3,000
Food Bank of Iowa In coordination with area charitable groups provide prepackaged food bags to area food pantries $5,000
Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa (Breda troop) Butterfly boards for the Breda City Park $1,000
Kuemper Catholic School Foundation, Inc. Security cameras for playground area $4,000
Lutheran Services In Iowa Inc. Mental and behavioral interventions for loacal school age children $4,000
Manning Betterment Foundation dba Manning Child Care Safe surfacing child care playground $5,000
Manning Community Foundation Reshingle West Bar Roof on Leet/Hassler Farmstead $1,275
New Hope Village Foundation Therapeutic Electric Beds $5,000
Saving Our Avian Resources (S.O.A.R.) Build a separate, climate-controled bird infirmary/intensive care area $3,000
Summer Fun Camp Provide field trips for special needs kids $4,000
Whiterock Conservancy Add single occupancy handicapped restroom near fishing ponds and campsite $5,000
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Carroll Area Child Care & Preschool Update outdoor playground area meet licensing standards $21,803
Carroll Public Library Foundation Modernize and enlarge library $20,000
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Animal Rescue of Carroll, Inc. Micro floor scrubber $1,500
Breda Day Care Center Purchase materials to meet State curriculum standards $3,000
Carroll Co. Council for Prevention of Child Abuse (Family Resource Center) Electronic medication administration records program $5,000
Carroll Co. Foster Grandparent Program, Inc. Training materials and meals for volunteers $1,500
Carroll County Conservation Board Provide shower house - Great Western Park $5,000
Catholic Charities of the Dioceses of Sioux City Computers for training, as well as access to mental health experts $5,000
City of Breda Construction of modern concession stand - ballfield $5,000
City of Carroll towards Kellan's Kingdom all inclusive playground $10,000
City of Coon Rapids Community Guide $5,000
City of Coon Rapids Computers for patrol vehicles $2,000
City of Dedham NFPA compliant air-packs for firefighters $8,000
City of Glidden Upgrade to multi-use surface to basketball court, lights, and new hoops $6,000
City of Glidden Funds for senior meal program $4,000
City of Lanesboro Outdoor surveillance equipment $2,500
City of Templeton for Streetscape $9,800
Community Opportunities Inc. (New Opportunities) Update Head Start curriculum $1,000
Depot Centre, Ltd. Reroof Carroll depot $5,000
Iowa Legal Aid Equipment for Legal Aid staff/volunteers when in Carroll $740
Kuemper Catholic School Foundation, Inc. Artificial turf for playground $5,000
Manning Betterment Foundation Replace folding chairs at VFW $2,000
Manning Betterment Foundation dba Manning Child Care New surface for playground $10,000
Manning Community Foundation - Hausbarn-Heritage Paint for historic Trinity Church $3,000
Manning Community Services - Senior Center Addition of handicapped accessible doors to Senior Center $6,000
Whiterock Conservancy Handicapped accessible viewing decks on Town Loop/Riverside trails $4,000
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Carroll Area Child Care Center & Preschool Update and replace educational materials and toys $15,000
Fred F. & Norman J. Bruning American Legion Post #607 Repair existing Legion building $6,848
New Hope Village Bargain Shoppe Textile/Store Expansion $20,282
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
All Strings Attached Storage units for instruments & music $3,000
C3-Christ+Community+Celebration Make Manning Food Pantry more accesible $3,000
Carroll Athletic Association Merchants Park storage facility $1,000
Carroll County Conservation Board Paving road crossings on Sauk Rail Trail $10,000
Carroll County Council for the Prevention of Child Abuse d/b/a Family Resource Center For CPR Equipment and training materials $3,000
Carroll Summer Fun Camp Fund camp activites for autistic and other children $2,500
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Sioux City Provide affordable mental health for poor $6,000
City of Breda Beautification of Breda $1,000
City of Breda Fire Department Tire Replacement for Tanker unit #3 $835
City of Carroll Replace starting blocks at swimming pool $4,000
City of Coon Rapids Library remodel $4,000
City of Coon Rapids Improve access to City Hall $5,000
City of Dedham Improvements to Dedham ball field $5,000
City of Glidden Supply all-season shelter w/ chairs, appliances $6,000
City of Glidden Purchase of sun shades for Aquatic Center $1,000
City of Glidden Pitching machine and library program $1,000
City of Manning To construct ~2700 Ft long - 8'wide 6"deep PCC Concrete trail for the Trestle Park Trail $3,000
City of Templeton Beautify and landscape Templeton $3,900
Coon Rapids-Bayard School District Enhance electronics program for students $1,000
Family Crisis Center Office rent and funds for emergency victims $3,000
Kuemper Catholic School Foundation For cameras for high school and fieldhouse parking lots along with network $2,500
Manning Community Foundation dba Manning Hausbarn-Heritage Park Restoration of the Leet/Hassler Farmstead - to restore hayloft for usable purposes $7,748
New Opportunities, Inc. Head Start expansion materials and supplies for classrooms $3,000
Sisters of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Build 16'x20' hermitage for individual retreats and solitude $3,000
St Anthony Diabetes Center Pre-diabetes education program - start up $5,000
The Community of Concern, Inc. Towards purchasing of equipment for storage, shelving, and sorting of food pantry products $1,390
University of Northern Iowa Foundation Fund theatre presentation for young people with autism and other developmental delays+B41 $500
Whiterock Conservancy Tree guards to protect Orchard and replacement trees $1,500
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Animal Rescue of Carroll, Inc. Toward the building of new animal shelter $18,200
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Carroll County Conservation Board Swan Lake Basketball Court $5,000
Carroll Summer Fun Camps Field Trips $2,500
City of Breda Little League Board $10,000
City of Coon Rapids Ambulance Service Laptop for Ambulance Unit $3,950
City of Dedham Playground Equipment $6,600
Family Crisis Center Emergency Victim Services $4,500
Family Resource Center Keyless Entry System $4,000
Glidden Fire and Rescue Fire Department Generator $5,000
Manning Betterment dba Manning Child Care Educational Toys & Classroom Enhancements $2,200
Manning Betterment Foundation Summer Swim Team Equipment $1,000
Manning Betterment Foundation Gym Equipment $3,000
Manning Community Foundation Hausbarn New Roofs on Park Shelter & Restrooms $2,500
Manning Main St. Outdoor Exercise Equipment for Trestle Park $2,810
New Hope Village Sling Carriers/Privacy Screens $2,400
Plains Area Mental Health Center Sensory Room $1,000
Region XII Council of Governments COG Housing Trust Fund $2,000
Sauk Rail Trail Association Hard Surface Bridges $12,534
West Central Iowa Healthcare Foundation Manning Plaza Green Space $5,000
Whiterock Conservancy Coon Rapids Signage Project $12,469
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Animal Rescue of Carroll Inc. Carroll Animal Shelter Project $5,600
Breda Day Care Center Shelving Units $3,000
Carroll Area Child Care Replace Water Fountain, Table & Chairs, Computer $7,000
Carroll Athletic Association Merchants Park Remodel $8,500
Carroll Co Council for Prevention of Child Abuse Electronic Charting $4,300
Carroll County Conservation Foundation Sauk Rail Trail Surfacing $5,800
Carroll County Historical Society Carroll County Historical Calendar $2,200
Carrollton Community Heritage School Bell Tower $1,688
Carrollton Community Heritage Window Replacement $3,700
City of Breda Street Lighting $1,200
City of Breda Little Free Library Breda Park $500
City of Coon Rapids Concession Stand $4,500
City of Glidden Glidden Wellness Center Fitness Equipment $1,500
City of Halbur New Halbur Fire Station $5,000
City of Manning Gym & Weight Room Remodel $1,000
City of Templeton Ball Diamond Electrical Upgrade $4,500
Community Opportunities Manning Outreach Office $2,500
Elderbridge Agency of Aging Material Aide $551
Family Crisis Centers of Northwest Iowa Rent for Office $2,100
IKM-Manning Community School Foundation Fine Arts Booster Auditorium $2,100
Kuemper Catholic School Foundation Security Entrance $5,400
Main St. Manning American Legion New Roof Project $3,200
Manning Betterment Foundation Racquetball Court Resurfacing $1,000
Manning Betterment Foundation Manning Child Care Center Countertops and Doors $3,000
Manning Betterment Foundation Swim Team Equipment $1,000
Manning Community Services Stove Range Hood $1,500
New Hope Village Foundation NHV/DMACC Project $6,600
Retired Senior Volunteer Program of Carroll County School Bell Tower $1,303
Sauk Rail Trail Association Hard Surface Four Bridges $1,200
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Breda Day Care Center Bathroom Remodel $2,560
Breda Fire Helmet Lights $650
Carroll Athletic Association Park Update $9,000
Carroll Co Cons Education Fdn Tree Planting $1,390
Carroll County Conservation Board Trail $9,000
Carroll County Historical Society School House $2,000
City of Breda Playground $4,000
City of Coon Rapids Fire Building Equipment $5,000
City of Dedham Concession Stand $4,000
City of Glidden Wellness Center $8,000
City of Halbur Fitness Center $3,690
City of Lanesboro Fire Department Siren $6,000
City of Manning Concessions, Play Area $2,440
City of Templeton Community Center $6,200
Clay Feathers Trap Throwers $4,220
Education Outreach for Carroll Co Fair Fair Grounds Service $5,000
Elderbridge Agency of Aging Front Door $2,500
Hands in Motion REALfest $1,000
Iowa Radio Reading Information Service for the Blind IRIS for Carroll County $500
Manning Betterment Foundation Swim Team Equipment $2,000
Manning Child Care Center Expansion $3,000
Manning Community Foundation Hausbarn Safety $1,000
Manning Community Services Manning Senior Center Handicap Accessible Doors $3,000
Manning Fire and Rescue Emergency Services Building $5,000
Manning Garden Club Reflection Area $780
New Opportunities Garden Plot $2,000
Quakerdale Shelter Care $2,000
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
All Strings Attached Enhance Studio - Electrical, Sound Panels $7,000
Breda Day Care Center Remodel Bathroom/Replace Refrigerator $4,500
Breda Girl Scouts Water Safety & CPR Class $500
Carroll Area Historical Society Restore One-Room School $2,150
Carroll Co Cons Education Fdn Tree Planting $2,000
Carroll Co Public Library Books for Children $5,469
Carroll County Conservation Board Resurface Sauk Trail $8,000
Carroll Pheasants Forever Reload Iowa Project $5,000
City of Dedham Basketball Court $5,000
City of Manning - Rec Center Family Changing Room $3,950
City of Templeton School to Community Center Project $12,500
City of Willey Playground Construction $4,500
CR-B Education Corp. Baseball Scoreboard $5,000
Habitat For Humanity Niles Home Construction $2,000
Manning Child Care Center Upgrades - computer, washer/dryer, etc $4,000
Manning Community Foundation Trinity Church Air Conditioning $5,000
Manning Community Services Upgrade Stoves $5,400
Manning Garden Club Landscaping Project $2,500
New Opportunites Community Garden and CR Headstart $8,000
Section 202 Housing Sign and Landscaping Materials $2,000
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Breda Day Care Center Kitchen/Bathroom Remodel $5,000
Carroll Area Historical Society Roof for Trapper's Log Cabin $3,500
Carroll Area Swim Team New Equipment $3,455
Carroll Athletic Association Scoreboard $5,000
Carroll County Conservation Board Playground $10,000
Carroll Pheasants Forever Reload Iowa Project $5,000
Carroll Soil & Water Conservation Water Crossing Signs $1,305
Carrollton Community Heritage Cemetary Preservation Project $4,500
City of Carroll Tennis Court $5,000
City of Templeton School to Community Center Project $10,000
Clay Feathers Purchase Trap Thrower System/Device $4,817
Main St. Manning Garage Door $1,500
Manning Betterment Foundation Tennis Court $4,000
Manning Child Care Center Equipment/Center Upgrades $5,000
Manning Community Foundation Fence, Lighting, Paint, Speakers $5,000
Manning Community Services Handicap Van $7,000
Manning Garden Club Children's Garden $2,500
New Hope Village Outdoor Sensory Project $8,000
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Carroll Area Child Care Playground Resurfacing $15,000
Carroll Area Historical Society Stair Lift $4,000
Carroll County RSVP tee shirts, song books, and storage $1,250
City of Breda Pool Slide $7,000
City of Dedham Shelter House Improvements $4,200
City of Manning Branding and Website $6,000
Coon Rapids Library Video to DVD $5,000
Creating Great Places Riverside Park Stage $7,000
Glidden Fire Department portable generator $2,014
Manning Betterment new televisions $4,000
Manning Child Care Center Indoor and Outdoor Equipment $6,750
New Opportunities Driveway and Playground $15,000
Pheasants Forever Reload Iowa Habitat Enchancement $5,000
St. Anthony Nursing Home Alzheimer's Unit Wall Moving $10,000
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Breda Day Care Center Safety Upgrades $4,561
Carroll County Conservation Foundation Trail Paving Project $16,101
Carroll County Historical Society Maple River School Preservation $3,050
Carroll Foundation Swimming Timing System $20,000
Carrollton Community Heritage Heritage Park $5,000
City of Glidden Playground Equipment $5,000
City of Halbur Park Enhancements $2,500
City of Lanesboro Station Restoration $1,025
City of Templeton Branding Project $5,000
Creating Great Places Park Development $13,000
M&M Divide RC&D Trap Project $2,000
M&M Divide RC&D Panels at Park $1,980
Manning Betterment Foundation Little League Project $4,000
Manning Child Care Center Kitchen Improvements $5,101
Manning Community Foundation Audio Equipment $5,000
Save Our Avian Resources Heated Intensive Care Unit $3,500
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Arcadia Betterment & Development Park Improvements $3,500
Carroll Arts Council Black Box Theater Improvements $8,500
Carroll County Historical Society Equipment Trailer $5,000
Carroll Foundation Carroll Aquatic Center $15,000
City of Coon Rapids Great Places Fund $10,000
City of Coon Rapids Streetscape Project $15,000
City of Deham Cemetery Improvements $2,000
City of Lidderdale Park Improvements $3,500
City of Templeton Emergency Siren $3,000
Kuemper Catholic Schools Paving Project $9,000
Manning Betterment & Development Shelter House $10,250
Manning School Foundation Field Improvements $8,500
New Hope Village Building Improvements $15,000
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Breda Day Care Center Building Improvements $6,291
Carroll Area Child Care Building Expansion $8,000
Carroll County Conservation Board Wildlife Area Purchase $10,000
Carroll County Master Gardeners Landscaping Project $10,000
Carroll Depot Center LTD Restoration $4,000
City of Breda Volleyball Courts $2,400
City of Manning City Park $7,500
Grant Recipients Purpose Amount
Carroll Depot Center LTD Restoration $10,000
Carroll Veteran's Memorial Fund Monument $5,000
City of Carroll Skate Park $5,000
City of Dedham Athletic & Park Project $7,500
City of Glidden Children's Book Project $4,000
City of Halbur Community Center $7,280
City of Lanesboro Station Restoration $2,500
Manning Heritage Foundation Park Construction $8,975